Life EWAS participation in networking events
28/11/14 - Participation in Networking event of Life ZEROWASTE PRO, Athens, Greece.
Life EWAS project was presented in a networking event of European projects on Friday 28th of November 2014 in Athens, Greece. The event was organised by ZEROWASTE PRO, a European Programme of Territorial Cooperation MED 2007-2013, in parallel with a 3 day seminar on composting and recycling, planned by “Ecological Recycling Society” ( and the Greek “Association of Composting Companies”.
Aida Anthouli, project manager of D-Waste, presented the EWAS project on “Life EWAS: Efficient and sustainable waste management methodologies using ICT tools enabling GHG emissions reduction”.
The successful event was focused to Greek Local Authorities, and was attended by many representatives and decision makers of Greek municipalities.
In the event around ten European projects were presented including “ZEROWASTE PRO”, “Life + Wasp Tool”, “Eco-innovative Practices for Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Med Area”, “Local Authorities Waste Prevention Training Erasmus+”, “LIFE+ WASTE2BIO”, “Green partnerships”, “RecOil–Intelligent Energy Europe Programme”, “LIFE AMMOS”, “Green Partnerships–MED Programme”, and “Support to Member States in improving waste management based on assessment of Member States’ performance” EU programme.
23/09/14 - D-Waste attended the Waste Prevention Workshop - LIFE Project WASP Tool, Athens, Greece.
On the 23th of September, D-Waste, as communication manager of Life EWAS project participated in the Waste Prevention Workshop which was held in Athens, Greece in the context of the LIFE Project «Development and Demonstration of a Waste Prevention Support Tool for Local Authorities – WASP Tool».
Ms Aida Anthouli, Project Manager of D-Waste introduced to the audience the Life EWAS project which aims to demonstrate the potential of advances in information technology to optimise waste management methods. The project actions will extend the uptake of innovative waste collection methodologies using low-invasive technologies based on software and hardware data collection and analysis technologies. The project expects to reduce the costs of waste management activities by 15-30% and their greenhouse gas emissions by more than 10%.
About Life+ WASP Tool: The LIFE Project «Development and Demonstration of a Waste Prevention Support Tool for Local Authorities – WASP Tool» is implemented by the Harokopio University in collaboration with the Inter-Municipality Company for Solid Waste Management (DEDISA), the United Association of Solid Waste Management in Crete (ESDAK), the Environmental Planning, Engineering & Management S.A. (EPEM), the Environmental Technology Ltd (ENVITECH), and the Municipality of Paralimni (MoP) during 2011-2014.
12/02/2016, Life EWAS meets with Waste C Control in Athens, Greece
On 12 February 2016, the representatives of the Life EWAS and the Waste Management Options for Greenhouse Gases Emissions Control- Waste C Control (LIFE09 ENV/GR/000294) projects met in Athens, in the framework of their respective networking actions with similar LIFE initiatives, to share methodologies and exchange know-how, best practices and experiences.
WASTE-C-CONTROL is a joint project between EPEM SA (Environmental Planning, Engineering and Management), the Waste Management Authority of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (DIAAMATH), the Waste Management System of Western Macedonia (DIADYMA) and the Trans-Municipal Enterprise of Solid Waste Management of Chania (DEDISA).
The WASTE-C-CONTROL project was selected among the 25 Best LIFE-Environment Projects 2014. Its main objectives include:
· Develop the appropriate tools that will enable Waste Management Authorities and other stakeholders to substantially reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions resulting from their waste management (WM) activities
· Develop appropriate assessment, monitoring, controlling and reporting activities related to different WM options and the respective GHG emissions reductions
· Evaluate the EU policy (waste prevention and recycling, energy policy etc) and legislation (Waste Framework Directive) options and opportunities, in order to reduce GHG emissions by using alternative WM practices
· Promote awareness, provide training and disseminate information on WM options and climate change mitigation
· Initiate GHG emission reductions at a local (Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Region of Western Macedonia and Regional Union of Chania, Crete and sectoral (waste management) level
The WASTE-C-CONTROL project aims to reduce GHG emissions through the development of a software tool that:
· provide "decision support" for the optimization of SWM, in a "waste management zone" level, in terms of GHG emissions and financial data, contain extensive information (data, libraries etc) for the available solid waste treatment options,
· assist the user to "assemble" his own waste management model and to control its environmental performance according to emissions and costs,
· monitor, control and report GHG emissions from waste management activities and calculate the GHG footprint of the various waste management technologies, and
· facilitate the design of a GHG emissions abatement plan (Local Action Plan), through the optimization of the current waste management practices.
The project examined various waste management options in relation to their GHG emissions. This will enable the identification of procedures and practical tools for the development of 3 Local Action Plans, which aim to reduce GHG emissions from waste management activities at local level (Region of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace, Region of Western Macedonia and Regional Union of Chania (Crete), in Greece). Each Plan sets specific quantitative goals for GHG emissions reductions; specifies the means to attain them, as well as the relevant investments that need to take place. Furthermore, it contains an appropriate monitoring programme.
The objectives of the joint meeting held in Athens were to discuss the results of waste c control, how waste management methodologies using ICT tools enabling GHG emissions reduction
Different partners from the Waste C Control project presented the progress and results of the project. Project Manager of EWAS project presented the potential of new information technologies to optimize current EU waste management operational methodologies and established a way forward for the standard adoption of a more sustainable model. Citizen’s awareness related where both projects are being implemented was also discussed.
This activity enabled the stimulation and exchange of ideas and experience between consortia that have been working in the past or present on similar topics.
14/03/2016, Life EWAS meets with LIFE Project WASP tool in Athens, Greece
On 14 March 2016, the representatives of the Life EWAS and the WASP (LIFE10 ENV/GR/000622) projects met in Athens, in the framework of their respective networking actions with similar LIFE initiatives, to share methodologies and exchange know-how, best practices and experiences.
The LIFE Project «Development and Demonstration of a Waste Prevention Support Tool for Local Authorities – WASP Tool» is implemented by the Harokopio University in collaboration with the Inter-Municipality Company for Solid Waste Management (DEDISA), the United Association of Solid Waste Management in Crete (ESDAK), the Environmental Planning, Engineering & Management S.A. (EPEM), the Environmental Technology Ltd (ENVITECH), and the Municipality of Paralimni (MoP) during 2011-2014.
The overall objective of the project was to investigate, demonstrate and optimise the waste prevention potential at the Local Authority level, in the Mediterranean area, in the different geographic and waste policy context of Greece and Cyprus.
It facilitated the implementation of the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) with respect to waste prevention, through the development of a Decision Support Tool (the WASP Tool) that allow Local Authorities to select and implement the optimum waste prevention programmes for their local circumstances. Furthermore the project aimed at raising the awareness of citizens about the need to minimize their waste.
The Waste Prevention Support Tool (the WASP-Tool) is a web-based expert system, based on local and aggregated data concerning the waste composition and the demographic characteristics of an area, which examines and evaluates the effectiveness of possible waste prevention strategies. The WASP-Tool estimates the benefits of implementing each strategy under the given local conditions, with the ultimate aim of selecting the best solution.
The objectives of the joint meeting held in Athens were to discuss the results of WASP tool, transfer and exchange experience from successful waste prevention activities in the EU to Greece and Cyprus, how waste collection monitoring will contribute to waste prevention.
Networking Projects